Without a strategy, goals are just good intentions. Plan your workouts and meals for the coming week or month. Commit to your workout time and how you will fuel your body
Having clean workout clothes and the proper food available makes everything easier during a hectic week
Note your plan in a journal or calendar and give yourself a big ‘checkmark’ when you have followed your plan. It can be gratifying and motivating to look back and see how far you have come!
When you have a support network of like-minded individuals who uplift and encourage you, it’s easy to stay committed to your lifestyle change.
Decades of research show that there is indeed a simple but highly effective way to transform how you think and feel. Much more powerful than positive thinking is the principle called positive acting. By acting “As If” you are a certain type of person, you can become that person.
One of the primary reasons for losing motivation is reacting poorly to backslides. Think of your journey in terms of overall health. One “bad” weekend is not a reason to trash the whole plan. Tell yourself that each meal or day is an opportunity to make healthier choices.
Similarly, it is important to drop the perfectionist attitude that so many of us are prone to adopting. Healthy living is not about being perfect, so give yourself permission to believe that “something is better than nothing.”
Subluxations (misalignments) of the spine-causing nerve pressure are devastating. These subluxations are many times caused in the birth process or fall while learning how to walk. In fact, the American Journal of Pediatrics estimates children fall 5000 times while learning how to walk! That is 5000 potential causes of subluxation, not to mention one potentially devastating event in the birth process. What happens to a child with a subluxation? Simple. Their body, like yours or mine when subluxated, does not work right. This can lead to symptoms of trouble sleeping, spitting up, immune deficiencies, ear infections, ADHD, autism spectrum disorders, or a myriad of other symptoms or conditions.
If a child has a subluxation, they are not expressing the best health potential they could possibly be! By having your children checked for Upper Cervical subluxations (misalignments), you may even be preventing future ill-health! The earlier the subluxation is detected, the easier it is to correct. As a tree growing crooked, when young it is easy to straighten. Your child’s spine is easy to correct and straighten when young! As parents, we all want our children to have the best life possible. Upper Cervical care for your family is a huge step in that direction. Have your children checked today!
“Humans were designed to move, and not moving is a direct threat to health and wellness in the same way that smoking tobacco is,” says Matthew Beekley, Ph.D., associate professor of kinesiology at the University of Indianapolis.
“Many scientists believe that being sedentary should be considered a disease in itself.”
The proof is in the probe: Over a course of 12 years, British researchers collected data from 334,000 men and women. The participants’ height, weight, waist circumference, and level of physical activity were all tracked. The findings revealed that those who engaged in an exercise that burned between 90 and 110 calories per day reduced their risk of early death by up to 30 percent. But before you sign up for a marathon (although, go you, if that’s your thing!), some perspective: That’s the equivalent of a daily 20-minute brisk walk.
When most people think about chiropractic the first thing they think of is someone with a bad back. Or maybe, neck pain or headaches. Without a doubt a lot of people with back pain, neck pain and headaches see chiropractors. In fact, back pain is extremely common with 80% of people experiencing it at some point in their lives. But, upper cervical chiropractic benefits your body whether you have back pain or not. Many athletes see chiropractors to keep their bodies operating at peak performance. Likewise, many families regularly see chiropractors in order to keep their bodies healthy and strong.
So what kind of benefits could you receive by seeing an upper cervical chiropractor, even if you weren’t having pain?
62% of American adults experience problems sleeping a few nights a week. And 40 million Americans experience a chronic sleeping disorder. The estimated cost of productivity lost for employers due to sleep-related issues is 18 billion. Upper Cervical Chiropractic has been shown to improve sleep, both in children and adults. If you are having some sort of pain or symptoms that respond to chiropractic care. Then, of course, that will help you sleep better as well.
Do you sometimes feel that you just don’t have enough energy to make it through your day? If you do a Google search to see all the chiropractic patients who have provided testimonials indicating that they have more energy now you will be overwhelmed. In my experience, patients will come into a chiropractic office looking for help with a particular problem such as back pain, sciatica, or headaches. But after being under upper cervical chiropractic care for a while they begin to notice some of the positive side effects, including more energy and less fatigue on a weekly basis.
Dr. Ronald Pero, chief of cancer prevention research at New York’s Preventive Medicine Institute and professor in Environmental Health at New York University measured 107 individuals who had received long-term Chiropractic care. The chiropractic patients were shown to have a 200% greater immune competence than people who had not received chiropractic care, and a 400% greater immune competence than people with cancer or serious diseases.
Sometimes when your brain and your body isn’t working the way it’s designed your mood will be altered. Along with increasing energy levels, upper cervical chiropractic has been shown to improve moods. Research has demonstrated those suffering with anxiety and depression frequently have dramatic results. This is because chiropractic care has been shown to improve hormone balance. Decreasing the bad hormones like cortisol and increasing the happy hormones, such as dopamine and norepinephrine makes a big difference in how the brain and body works and how the person feels
Each year, about 4.5 million Americans visit their doctor’s office or the emergency room because of adverse prescription drug side effects. A startling 2 million other patients who are already hospitalized suffer the ill effects of prescription medications annually. Our medical system has become a “ask your doctor,” pill for every ill system. When you visit an upper cervical chiropractor because you are having a specific problem or you just want to improve your overall health and well-being, you are already taking a more positive approach to your health. So the next time you think about upper cervical chiropractic, maybe you’ll have a different picture in your mind. Not just of someone who is in pain, but someone who is living healthier because they have chosen the upper cervical chiropractic lifestyle.
What is Retracing?
Retracing means going over the ground that has already been covered until the individual reaches the point from which he/she started. When a patient is under upper cervical care, sometimes symptoms that have not manifested for months or even years will reoccur. Patients’ first impression is that they are getting worse when they are really experiencing a retracing of the several stages through which the disease progressed in the making. The question of time is essential in retracing. If a disease has been in process for years, patients should not always expect to regain the normal state within days. It took time for the condition to change from health to dis-ease, and it will take time to retrace from the disease back to health.
Response Varies
The time it takes for recovery does not always equate to the time it took for the disease to develop. As a general rule, however, acute diseases respond rapidly, while chronic cases of long-standing are slower to respond. Some abnormalities show very extensive involvement of tissues, while others show very little tissue involvement. Anytime tissue is involved, the structures must retrace the steps through which it passed before it can return to normalcy. Evidence of this can be seen in the varying stages of skin eruptions as they heal. The tissue below the skin’s surface goes through the same process while healing; it’s just not visible to the naked eye
What The Upper Cervical Doctor Does:
Upper cervical doctors of chiropractic are thoroughly trained to detect the abnormal positions of the vertebrae in the spine. They are trained to restore these vertebrae to their normal positions. After an upper cervical correction, the vertebra is returned toward its normal position. It usually requires a series of adjustments before the correction is complete, and muscles and ligaments regain their normal tone which permits them to hold the vertebra in a more normal state
Points to Remember:
The spine is subject to strain during everyday life, and it is possible that the vertebra may recede toward its old abnormal position, necessitating another correction. Tissues often must be rebuilt in order for the vertebra to hold its normal position. In addition, tissues that have perhaps for years assumed an abnormal condition due to the gradually increasing pressure upon the nerve fibers must be given time to return through the various stages they passed in the production of the abnormality. This takes time, and patience becomes a cardinal virtue based on the knowledge that all is progressing as it should.
Upper cervical patients must realize the necessity of continuing with upper cervical care, even though they may not see their body moving toward health day to day, or may even believe their condition is worsening. This period of retracing is essential and patients are urged to continue treatment through it so as not to preclude the ultimate health which will be theirs if they continue.
Dr. Hilpisch will help you and your family get healthy and stay healthy.