Chiropractic Doctor
Chiropractic Doctor
Office Manager
Office Manager
Chiropractic Assistant
Chiropractic Assistant
Dr. John Hilpisch has been serving health-conscious families in the Upper Midwest since 1987.
In a quest to provide superior service to their clients, they have trained extensively across the nation to successfully master an analysis and correction system known as the Blair Upper Cervical Specific Technique.
They are the only certified Blair doctors in Minnesota.
Due to the growing demand for specific chiropractic adjustments, Upper Cervical (the top of the spine) care is in high demand. At the present time, there are fewer than 100 Blair doctors worldwide, but due to the efforts of the Blair Society, the number of trained chiropractors is increasing. The Blair Technique takes into consideration that no two human spines are exactly the same and thus a specific, different correction for each person is necessary.
With the use of an x-ray system unlike any in the world, the “Blair Chiropractor” can give a custom-designed adjustment for each individual.
The result? A procedure safe for all ages (infants to seniors), void of the common twisting and popping sounds typically associated with chiropractic adjustments.
Many of our members told us that before coming to see us they wasted time going from doctor to doctor, wasted money on medication, and every day that passed, realized they were no closer to health than when they started. Our clients boast of superior long-term results with fewer trips to our office.
This form of care succeeds where other standard techniques fail.
Dr. Hilpisch will help you and your family get healthy and stay healthy.